Private/Non-NHS Work & Fees

Why do fees/charges exist?

The National Health Service provides most health care to most people free of charge but there are exceptions such as prescription charges and NHS dental fees. Contrary to belief GPs are not employed by the NHS. The NHS pays the practice for specific NHS work such as patient care but for non-NHS work the fee must cover the doctor’s costs. The NHS does not provide medical reports for insurance companies, claims on private health insurance and other letters and forms which require the doctor to review the patient’s medical records. As GP partners in the practice are self-employed, their costs – staff, buildings, heating, lighting, printing, paper etc. – must be covered in the same way as any small business.

Here are some examples of non-NHS services for which GPs can charge - private medical insurance reports, HGV licences and DVLA forms , Holiday cancellation forms , Letters requested by, or on behalf, of a patient

Please note that GPs with few exceptions are not obliged to take on any non-NHS work on behalf of their patients. At the surgery we will always attempt to assist as much as possible but not to the detriment of the usual NHS care.

For more information on fees and to see how the process works, please see the below attachments.

GP Fees for non-NHS work from 1 April 2024 (4).xlsx

Private Fee Information (1).docx