Winter Wellness Guide For Carers
Keeping Well this Winter
Winter Wellness - Guide for Carers
It’s the time of year again when the colder weather creeps in and the winter months may start to feel a bit gloomy. Energy levels and motivation can drop and many of our activities and habits can start to dwindle away, so time to prepare for when the cold weather hits us by making sure it does not harm us and those around us.
The cold weather runs a risk of affecting anyone, but some people are more vulnerable to the effects of winter, those to consider are: -
- People aged 65 and over
- People on a low income (so cannot afford heating)
- People who have a long-term health condition
- People with a disability
- People who find it hard to keep warm, such as babies and young people, bed bound or those with addictions.
- People who have a mental health condition
It is important to think about what we can do to help eliminate risks, within this guide we explore some of the options, services and ideas which look at how people can keep 'Well this Winter'.